
Galica received the Supplier of the Year Award from the
Upstate New York Minority Supplier Development Council

Supplier of the Year AwardThe Upstate New York Minority Supplier Development Council (UNYMSDC) acknowledges with the Supplier of the Year Awards to MBEs who are actively involved in furthering the Council's mission.

The MBE awardees distinguish themselves and their businesses by:

  • Successfully demonstrating growth in sales and employment while overcoming major obstacles.
  • Consistently providing high quality products and services at competitive prices while offering innovative approaches and cost-saving ideas.
  • Continuously growing MBE to MBE purchases.
  • Significantly contributing to the growth and development of society and their community.

MBE Supplier of the Year Awards is awarded in the following categories:
Class 1 – Annual Sales less than $1 million
Class 2 – Annual Sales between $1 million & $10 million
Class 3 – Annual Sales between $10 million & 50 million
Class 4 – Annual Sales greater than $50 million